
This is an information page for the official Unreal Tournament 3 Web Administration tool. You will find here the latest releases. The UT3 WebAdmin is not included with the official patches for UT3, it will be released seperately. This way issues can quickly be addressed and new features can be made available as soon as possible. Note: the minimal requirement for the UT3 WebAdmin (versions 1.3 and earlier) is UT3 with patch 1.2, since version 1.4 UT3 with patch 1.3 is required. Version 1.9 and later require UT3 version 2.0. And starting from version 1.13 UT3 patch 2.1 is required.


Download the release package and extract its content to the Unreal Tournament 3 installation directory. The release package

In order to enable the WebAdmin you need to edit the UTWeb.ini and change the variable bEnabled to True in the [UWeb.WebServer] section. The UTWeb.ini is automatically created in the config directory based on the DefaultWeb.ini located in the GameDir/UTGame/Config. If you do not have the UTWeb.ini file in your active configuration directory you can simply copy the content of DefaultWeb.ini. When you start the server you should see the following log entry:

ScriptLog: Web Server Created http://some.ip:port [...] Enabled True
This means the webserver was succesfully started. You should be able to connect to it using the reported address. Note: Check the firewall settings when you are unable to connect to it.

You can log in on the webadmin using any user name and the password is the same as the configured admin password.


The default configuration for the various parts of the WebAdmin should be good enough for most people. But if you want to you can change the settings in the UTWebAdmin.ini, the default settings can be found in DefaultWebAdmin.ini. Below you can find an overview of all configuration variables.


The fully qualified classname to use as authentication module. An authentication module has to implement the WebAdmin.IWebAdminAuth interface. The authentication module defaults to WebAdmin.BasicWebAdminAuth. An alternative authentication module is included starting from version 1.8, it supports multiple administrators with different privileges. To use the multi-admin authentication use: WebAdmin.MultiWebAdminAuth.
The fully qualified classname to use as session manager. An session manager has to implement the WebAdmin.ISessionHandler interface. The session manager defaults to WebAdmin.SessionHandler.
A list of fully qualified classnames for WebAdmin.IQueryHandler implementators. Query handlers provide the actual functionality for the various webpages served by the WebAdmin. There currently two query handlers: WebAdmin.QHCurrent, which provides pages to manage the current game; and WebAdmin.QHDefault, which provides functionality to change default settings for various elements.
If true the WebAdmin will used HTTP authentication rather than a HTML form. The HTTP authentication method is basic, there is no support for digest. Using form based authentication you can easily log out from the WebAdmin interface. Both methods are equally secure.
The default page to open after logging in. This default is /current. The URL should not contain the path to the WebAdmin (which is /ServerAdmin by default.)
Enabled chat logging. The chat logs will be saved in the logs directory. (since v1.2)


A list of usernames that are allowed when using this authentication module. By default (when the list does not contain any entries) any name is accepted. Using this option you can limit the accepted names. This adds some additional security to the WebAdmin interface.


The refresh time of the chat console in miliseconds. This is the delay before the pay tries to check for new messages. You should not set this too low, the minimum value is 500.
If true the management console is activated. The management console allows admins to execute arbitrary console commands directly on the server.
A list of console commands that are now allowed in the management console. The first part of the entered command is check with this list. So if for example obj is in the list no command starting with obj any other data will be allowed. But objectSomething will still be allowed.
A list of URL options that are not allowed to be set in the miscelaneous options setting of the change game page. These options will be filtered out. If any of these options was previously set to launch the current game, then they will be added before switching the game to the new map.
If true then the admin console commands will be supported. The admin console commands are the commands you usually enter when loggin in as an admin player (like the kick command). You do not need to prefix these commands with admin like you would need to do on the server.
Enabled support for reading participating in team chat from the chat console. (since v1.2).


A list of classname to settings class mappings. It will be used to find the settings class that will handle the settings for a given gametype or mutator. The WebAdmin will try to automatically find the correct class using the name of the class that needs to be set up. More about this can (soon) be found on the UnrealWiki.
The fully qualified name of the settings class that should be used to change the general settings. Defaults to WebAdmin.GeneralSettings.
The fully qualified name of the storage class for the additional map lists. Defaults to WebAdmin.AdditionalMapLists, which stores the map lists in the UTGame.ini. You can change it to WebAdmin.AdditionalMapListsAlt to store the map lists in UTAdditionalMapLists.ini. (Available from v0.9)


(since v1.2)

If true unique files names will be created.
Append a timestamp to the log filenames. This will make sure the log files are unique for each game.


Latest stable release
v1.17 – 2009-09-13 – requires UT3 version 2.1 (engine version 3805)
All releases