Newer version notice

You requested an older version of the the UT3 WebAdmin. It is strongly adviced to used the latest version. You will be directed to the download for the latest version in a couple of seconds.

If you want to download the older version you requested you can download it here: 1.8 — 2008-12-05.

Downloading: version 1.17

If the download does not start within 5 seconds, click here to download the latest release.

Note: this version requires Unreal Tournament 3 patched to version 2.1 (engine version 3805) or later.


v1.17 - 2009-09-13 (requires UT3 2.1)
- fixes the issue where changes to game profile disappeared when a new map
  was loaded.
- made some changes to the way the menu permissions are validated, the
  urls used for AJAX requests are now dependent to their base url. This
  addresses issues #74, #75

v1.16 - 2009-07-30 (requires UT3 2.1)
- added a warning when the localization file is corrupt. This causes missing
- changed the method of detecting active mutators
- added functionality to configure server actors

v1.15 - 2009-05-17 (requires UT3 2.1)
- fixed a few typos
- added a setting to validate the IP in sessions. This increases security by 
  making sessions less prone to hijacking.
- added a basic translit system which allows conversion for certain information.
  this can be used to convert Cyrillic characters to their ASCII equivalent.
  This translit system is also used by the chatlog. See the file
  Localization/RUS/WebAdmin.rus how you should build your translit table.
  The translit system is needed because the webadmin can only produce ASCII (or 
  UTF-8) output. Internally UE3 uses UTF-16, which can not be used by the
  Note: The translit system is not used for input processing.
  Note: Because the tanslit table is stored in a localization file you need to
  have the appropriate Language set in UTEngine.ini or you have to manually
  copy the table to
- made all text localized, people can now localize the WebAdmin if they feel
  like it. To localize the HTML files define the HTMLSubDirectory localized
  variable, and create the proper files in the Web/WebAdmin/??? directory.
  Note: the <!-- #include ... --> files are not transparently handled.
- Don't send gzip encoded files to Safari browsers, they lies about supporting
  gzip encoded files (or at least, for javascript)
- various browser tweaks

v1.14.0 - 2009-04-05 (for UT3 2.0)
v1.14.1 - 2009-04-05 (for UT3 2.1)
- added support to dynamically add skins to the webadmin. To register a skin
  simply create an .ini file in the Config directory with the following content
    [SomeName WebAdminSkin]
    FriendlyName=My Own Skins
- added option to /current/bots to add an arbitrary number of bots
- added a system settings page to change webadmin settins
- reduced loading of gametype classes to filter the mutator lists, this reduces
  loading of additional packages during the game (which clients would need to
  download). You can force rebuild of the caches by visiting this (hidden) page:
  (note: this is something you might want to do after installing new or 
  upgrading gametypes/mutators)

v1.13 - 2009-03-22
Note: Patch 2.1 is required
- filter duplicate gamemode/maps/mutator registrations (check the log file for
- fixed XHTML comppliance issues for all pages
- added tooltips to the settings pages with additional information about the
- added "Max Replay Limit" setting to the map list editor

v1.12 - 2009-03-09
- fixed unsaved settings bKickMissingCDHashKeys, TimeToWaitForHashKey
- fixed "No Custom Characters" showing up as a number field
- fixed bug #0000065: Score Limit setting appears twice
- should no longer disable "achievements" 

v1.11.1 - 2009-03-07
- lowered the minimum engine version for the Linux Server 2.0 beta

v1.11 - 2009-03-07
- fixed creation of new maplists when javascript was enabled
- fixed spaces in map names when saving maplists under certain circumstances
- fixed an accessed none in the chat log functionality
- added the setting to disable seamless level loading:
    Settings > General > Administration > Disable seamless loading

v1.10 - 2009-02-28
- added an game engine check at webadmin startup
- some minor adjustments
- added text/voice muting to /current/player page. Note: voice muting is a
  force action to all clients. This means that a forced unmute removes the
  client's own mute action. 

v1.9 - 2009-02-20
Note: Patch 2.0 is required
- added sessionban functionality
- added spawn protection time setting for gametypes
- new voting configuration functionality, if it doesn't show up, add the 
  following query handler: WebAdmin.QHVoting
- added note taking functionality to the "current" page  

v1.8 - 2008-12-05
- fixed bot roster editing when the roster was empty
- konami code
- added an alternative authentication module: WebAdmin.MultiWebAdminAuth
  this one allows multiple user accounts
- added some gametype settings magic that shows the best match for available
  settings for an gametype that did not provide its own settings class.  
- added "news" to the home page

v1.7 - 2008-09-21
- security bug fix

v1.6 - 2008-08-23
- fixed bug #52: Hard to remove bots from bot roster 
- addressed bug #51: Page does not refresh after changing game (IE6)
- "game deficulty" is now presented as a list of predefined values (0 to 7), 
  custom values can still be entered. 

v1.5 - 2008-08-08
Note: Patch 1.3 is required
- Upgraded to jQuery 1.2.6 and jQuery UI 1.5.2
- playercontrollers created for the webadmin users are now shared between admins
  using the same name. This is a resource optimization fix
- some UI tweaks  

v1.4 - 2008-06-03
Note: Patch 1.3 is required
- demorec player no longer shows up in the player lists
- added config option for "No Custom Characters" (Settings/General/Players)
- added settings for map voting (Settings/General/Map Voting)

v1.3 - 2008-05-18
- fixed chat functionality when team chat support is disabled
- added admin password check
- changes to the server's name will now take immediate effect and the 
  master server information will be updated

v1.2 - 2008-05-07
- added team chat support to the chat console. Can be disabled by setting
- added optional chat logging, to enabled it set the following in the 
  Team chat will only be logged when bEnableTeamChat was set to true
  The following config options are available for the chat logging file names:
    ; if true unique file names will be created
    ; if true a timestamp will be included in the filename
- fixed a memory leak in the non-player PlayerControllers (i.e. 
  MessagingSpectator) during seamless traveling.
- increased upper limit of RestartWait setting
- added a "clear" and "add missing" button to the map list editor

v1.1 - 2008-04-06
- fixed mutator filtering for gametypes
- Admin* console commands are now supported in the management console
- Changed the login form to allow different timeouts. "Till next map load" was
  the previous behavior when you didn't check "remember me". In now defaults to
  "session" which will remember the authentication for the browser session.
  This does not apply when using bHttpAuth
- fixed saving of various elements of the general settings  

v1.0 - 2008-03-24
- various small performance fixes:
  - Mutator\Gametype settings pages load faster and use less memory
- fixed issue where the messaging spectator is registered with the online 
  subsystem resulting in a server crash during the level switch GC.

Bug Tracker Changes
- 0000040: [Front end (HTML/CSS/JavaScript)] Re: 0000017 - Ping is not 
  read from server properly - resolved.

v0.10 - 2008-03-16
- Added the ability to manage the bots. You can also edit the bot roster 
  (similar and drop interface as the maplist editor)
- Various HTML/CSS tweaks.
- General settings are now grouped by section  

v0.9 - 2008-03-07
- Started including a changelog with the distribution
- Added config option to set the storage class for the additional map 
  Default class is WebAdmin.AdditionalMapLists which stores the info in 
  UTGame.ini . Alternatively there is the class 
  WebAdmin.AdditionalMapListsAlt which stores the maplists in 
- Added WebAdmin version information to the log and HTML meta data
- Finished work on the "advanced" configuration mechanism for 
- Added settings classes for the stock mutators which have configuration 

Bug Tracker Changes:
- 0000037: [Front end (HTML/CSS/JavaScript)] Firefox 3 Beta 3 and Change 
  Game Type - resolved.